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How To Become a Zen Trail Runner

How To Become a Zen Trail Runner

While part of the fun and excitement of trail running is getting into better physical shape, there’s also a lot to be said about the Zen of trail running. In other words, spending a few hours in t...

runHow Runners Can Deal With Windy, Rainy Spring Weather

How Runners Can Deal With Windy, Rainy Spring Weather

   If you’re a runner, the best part about springtime is that it’s finally time to enjoy the Great Outdoors instead of toiling away in the gym all day. It’s time to hit your favorite trail or joggi...

racesThe Top Trail Races for the Ultimate Trail Runner

The Top Trail Races for the Ultimate Trail Runner

Trail racing has come to stay, no doubt about that. The total freedom and abandon availed you while running in the most deserted of places, and away from the contraptions of modern life is incompar...

runningHow to Start Trail Running. Quick Tips To Your First Trail Run.

How to Start Trail Running. Quick Tips To Your First Trail Run.

Trail running, in the simplest of terms is simply the sport of hiking and running over remote trails. This differs from track running as seen in most gymnastic sports and road running as trail runn...

micropikes5 Common Myths About Running In Microspikes

5 Common Myths About Running In Trailspikes

When it comes to winter traction, most people tend to think only in terms of crampons or snowshoes. However, there’s a mid-range range option that’s perfect for running on icy or packed snow trails...